Project A.L.B.U.M. [Preview]

I write a blog that trips its way through my physical music collection. My latest entry covers new anniversary releases from Radiohead and R.E.M.
In 2019, watching 31 creepy or campy films in 31 days seemed like a formidable challenge. In 2*2*, the Age of Societally Responsible Binging, I had to whittle down my smorgasbord. Days meant nothing anymore: a Tuesday could easily mean…
The urge to make a capital-E event of Halloween is an almost overpowering annual occurrence for me. It starts once the leaves turn and the skies go gray (and is tied to an irrational desire for the chill and the…
Brazenly ripping off the format from Bennett Media, I’ve decided to assemble a list, AS IT CURRENTLY STANDS in the year of our Lords of Dogtown 2017, of the films swirling around the background of my young-ish brain. Yeah, it’s…