About Me

Hello, won’t you? I’m a 10-year TV and Film industry veteran based in the Carolinas, but with credits all over the literal map. You know your favorite reality show? I was the Media Manager, making sure that footage made it…

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Black and white image of Lydia reading Handbook for the Recently Deceased in Beetlejuice (1988)

Tim Burton's Beetlejuice as a silent film. Silvery B&W helps Lydia's Goth bonafides; the bureaucratic underworld looks Kafkaesque in a subtle shade of blue-green.

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Rhapsody in Blu Year 2

My collection of films on Blu-ray as of March 2021. The number did grow from last time, but not exponentially– sometimes you purge before you binge buy. More watermarked indications of those distributors that put out the good stuff can…

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Suspense Advent 2020

In 2019, watching 31 creepy or campy films in 31 days seemed like a formidable challenge. In 2*2*, the Age of Societally Responsible Binging, I had to whittle down my smorgasbord. Days meant nothing anymore: a Tuesday could easily mean…

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